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Live Your Best Life

text or call: 07902 458 771


Camp Hill Rd, Stourbridge DY7 5BS

As an experienced and empathic counsellor I can help shape your perspective into a healthy and productive one. Whether it’s your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health, I will help you develop the habits and skills to effectively deal with the challenges you may encounter in life.

Sat on the Rocks
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Professional but always human

Qualified but always learning

Experienced but always growing

Bridge Over River

Fully-certified since 2011, I have been successfully counselling clients throughout the Midlands area of UK and facilitating their self-growth.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my services aim to introduce clarity and self-motivation. I also teach techniques to better manage the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stress of everyday life in 2022.

I can offer you face to face meetings in my mobile counselling unit or visit you at home, where appropriate.  Alternatively I offer outdoor sessions which are conducted whilst walking or sitting in nature.

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Bridge Over River


Embrace Life’s Challenges

Life throws many surprises at us, especially during these recent years, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my counselling sessions you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.



Guidance and Inspiration

Are you drowning in a sea of possessions?
Can’t stop buying things?
Surrounded by energy draining friends?
Hanging on to excess body fat?
Clutter comes in many forms. My speciality is helping people to let go of heavy, unnecessary and unhelpful parts of their life in order to allow the fresh, new and exciting experiences to enter.
Learn how to live a simpler life and feel lighter and happier.

View of Meditation Garden


Get the Most out of Life

Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out? My specialisation will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with my coaching tools and techniques.

Taking Notes


Learning to Live Again

Do you feel like you are struggling to function and thrive following a bereavement? My specialisation will help guide and support you in your life without your loved one. I offer one-to-one support and counselling as well as group activities for bereaved young adults learning to live without one or both parents and caregivers.

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“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour”

Walt Whitman

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